Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Synthesis and Transformation 3.4 (Index numbers 25 to 33 to comment)

Look at the following responses to Synthesis and Transformation. How many marks would you award for each response and why? What is the correct answer?

4. Asia's tigers are vanishing faster than any other large mammals. The only exception is rhinoceros.

Pupil G: Except for the rhinoceros, asia's tigers are vanishing faster than any other large animals.

Pupil H: Except for the rhinoceros, the asia's tigers are vanishing faster than any other large animals.

Pupil I: Except for the rhinoceros, Asia's tiger are vanishing faster than any other large animals.


  1. Why are they all animals instead of mammals?
    Is that counted as wrong?

  2. pupil g will get 0 marks because asia should be capital and animals must be changed to mammals.
    pupil H will get 0 marks because you do not need to say the and asia should be capital and animals should be mammals.
    pupil I will get 1 mark because animals should be mammals.

  3. g *Asia
    h the should not be there
    I *tigers

    Misha 32

  4. Pupil G. He/she did not write the capital "A" for Asia.

    Pupil H. He/she did not write the capital "A" for Asia and there should not be the word "the".

    Pupil I. He/she did not write the tiger 's'

  5. Pupil G:He/she did not write capital 'A' for Asia's and the 'animals' must be changed to 'mammals'.
    Pupil H:There should not be a 'the' in front of Asia's,and he/she did not use capital 'A' for Asia's and the 'animals' must be changed to 'mammals'.
    Pupil I:He/she must put a 's' at the word 'tiger' and the 'animals' must be changed to 'mammals'.
