Thursday, January 12, 2012

Math Practice 4 - Comparing Numbers

I would say the mistakes made in this practice are largely due to carelessness. They can be avoided if careful checking has taken place.


  1. YAY I AM THE FIRST TO COMMENT AND AT A LATE TIME!!! This proves I contribute to the blog XD anyways....... YIPPIE MY NAME IS THERE

  2. The blog something wrong I comment at PM the thing says I commented at AM o__O
    Same thing happened to all others that commented unless your telling me that this blog is from another country on the other side of the earth i really don't know why

  3. AND I commented on 9.37 pm that thing say I comment on 5.33AM and 5.38AM so I'm really starting to think that this blogspot thing is created in another country
    (I'm not trying to spam just asking if you guys notice too >___<)
