Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Holidays Task 1: An article a day - PM Lee says he will call by-election in Hougang 12.3.2012

Dear all,

In this holiday, there will be 5 simple tasks for you to complete.

This is task 1.

Read this article.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Friday he would call a by-election in Hougang, but had not decided on when it would be held.

Noting that the single-seat constituency is vacant after former MP Yaw Shin Leong was expelled by the Workers' Party (WP), PM Lee said: 'I intend to call a by-election in Hougang to fill this vacancy. However, I have not yet decided on the timing of the by-election.'

In deciding on the timing, he said he would take into account all relevant factors. These include Hougang residents' well-being, issues on the national agenda, and the international backdrop that 'affects our prosperity and security'.

PM Lee was responding in Parliament to Mr Christopher de Souza (Holland-Bukit Timah GRC), who had asked if the PM was considering holding a by-election in Hougang, and if so, when.

Complete this form after reading the article.


  1. I don't know how to do.

  2. Mdm Toh can we write Don't know for some question??

    1. try first then say don't know

  3. The questions are not difficult at all. You should not give up trying.

  4. Mdm Toh,what do you mean by 'What is a by-election? Google it. *'

  5. Hi Shihui, 'google' it means do a search on it from Good to see that you are trying! :)

  6. Mdm Toh, for Task 4, you had given the wrong link.

  7. It was pretty easy 4 me though, hehheh:)
