Saturday, March 31, 2012

Alleged child kidnapping attempts

Do you think the mentioned cases are true? What have we got to learn from these cases?


  1. Yes, the mentioned cases are true. We learnt that we should not follow strangers and always be with our parents at all times.

  2. Yes the mentioned cases are true.We learnt that we

    -- do not leave children out of your sight

    -- teach children not to follow strangers and

    -- inform the school or childcare centre if you have arranged for another person to fetch your child home.

    We also learnt that childcare centres and pre-schools are advised to ensure that only the rightful parents or appointed guardians are allowed to come in contact with their children.


    1. I also think the cases are not possible to tell.But recently the newspapers are showing kidnapping of children.So my answers can be not possible to tell or it is true.


  3. There should be some truth in the alleged kidnapping cases.There is no smoke without fire. Perhaps, kidnapping children is a form to earn quick bucks. Some couples may be childless and are prepared to pay an attractive price for each adoption. We need to be cautious, take preventive measures to educate the public. Children should be trained not to follow strangers even if attractive toys are given. Parents and caregiversvshould see that none other their care is allowed to leave alone.

  4. Yes,the mentioned cases are true. Parents should

    - ensure young children are accompanied at all times

    - do not leave their children out of your sight

    - teach their children not to follow strangers and

    - inform the school or childcare centre if you have arranged for another person to fetch their child home.

    Parents and caregivers should see that none of their care is allowed to leave alone.

  5. The mentioned cases are true and we learnt to

    don't follow strangers.

    Not to leave your children out of your sight.

    If someone is following you,you must go to a crowded place.

    Ensure your children is always accompanied.

  6. I think those cases are true.We learnt that
    -we should not wander around without any adults that you trust(chidren).
    -we must be alert at all times(adults).
    -we should warn our own children about these situation(adults).
    -we should always try to take our own children to and fro from school .As for childcare/studentcare, teachers should go and fetch no matter what and when dissmissal time,parents should go there but not other people.

    Before I had even read these two articles, there was an incident regarding these too.It did not happened to me but my aunt's sister's niece.The child was only 5 years old.One day,her sister was fetching her chidren;5-year-old and a younger one .As the younger child will always run,she held the younger child's hand while she told the 5-year-old to walk in front.Then,one china woman went to grab the 5-year-old's hand without even knowing that the mother was there.When the mother saw ,she screamed and shouted .After realising,the china woman ran off as fast as she could.
    This also proved that all this cases are true.

  7. Yes, the mentioned case are true.

    We learnt that we must not leave our children alone/out of sight.

    Tell our children not to follow strangers.

    Childcare centres and pre-schools are advised to ensure that only the rightful parents or appointed guardians of children are allowed to come into contact with them.

  8. Yes, I think that the meantioned cases are true.

    We leanrt that we should ensure young children are accompanied at all times outdoors and inform the school or childcare centre if you have arranged for another person to fetch your child home and also teach children not to follow strangers

  9. I think those cases are true.

    I learnt
    -not to wander around.
    -to hold onto my parents' hand.
    -to ensure to keep our child in sight.
    -to teach our child not to follow any strangers.
    -to fetch our child to and from school/child care centre.

  10. Yes, I think the cases are true.

    I learnt not to wander around,
    Not to go to a remote place,
    Go home straight away after school.

  11. Yes, I think that those cases are true.

    I learnt that not to belive and follow strangers and not to wander around.

  12. Nabilah binte RosmanApril 1, 2012 at 7:03 PM

    Yes I think this things are happening I you are reading the papers

    I heve learnt to not wander around crowded areas,stay put,hold hands.Maybe I can suggest to bring your phone everywhere you go it will come handyif you are lost

    1. Nabiah binte RosmanApril 1, 2012 at 7:09 PM

      sorry that I forgotten to leave a space betweeen the handy and if

  13. These cases are true as many other strangers will lure them by just pretending to be giving out toys. We must always inform our parents before going to the place you wanted to go. They must follow us as there may be kidnappers around.
    I learnt that we must not go without our parents permission and not wander around because our parents would be very worried when we are lost.

  14. I think the mentioned cases are true.There are a lot of bad people out there that we do not expect to approach us and do something unexpected.They might do bad stuffs to us and even kids who are so innocent that kids may just do whatever the strangers say.
    Parents and caregivers should ensure that their children are accompanied at all times and not let out of sight. They should also teach their children not to follow strangers.Childcare centres and pre-schools are advised to ensure that only the rightful parents or appointed guardians of children are allowed to come into contact with them.I learnt to be very careful with any strangers that I met.

  15. Yes,I heard stories of child kidnapping and also,killing in the papers.we must always stand in front of our parents while walking but not behind as if a kidnapper is following you behind,he or she might silently catch us so our parents would not notice.Also,we must always bring our handphones along while we are out in case of killing.We must always inform our parents if we want to go else where but it is the safetest to go with our parents along.and finally,if our parents noticed that we are missing,they might be worried and call the police.this is a very common situation when parents loose their children.that is what I have to say.bye bye!

  16. My mother did recieve that SMS which was being circulated around. I guessed that might not be true since the police was investigating the case. Tried to be alert when we were outside and stayed with someone we know. Be alert be cautious and not to easily follow any strangers for all reasons.

  17. Yes , the mentioned cases are true . My mum also received a SMS of it . • Do not follow strangers • Be cautious • Parents and domestic helpers should always stay with the children when they're outside as we do not know whether there are any baddies around :P • Childcare centers should teach the children not to follow strangers • Children should know what to do when they feel someone following them !
    Thats all :)

  18. Hi Mdm Toh said that the cases are NOT TRUE,NOT TRUE.Thanks

